Thursday, May 27, 2010


I'll be adding records for wrestler's from WWE, TNA, RoH, FIP, SHIMMER, and PWG over the next couple of days. My WWE Record Book used to be posted on but I fell behind with it, and decided it was time to host it on it's own.

So, look out for a revamped version of it with pictures and all!

The WWE Records are from 7/11/02. All the other companies are started from the first event of that company. They are complete.

And as an aside I'm still not caught up with the records as of right now. So, make sure to look at the last updated section.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Last Updated List

WWE Records - ECW - 4/1/08

Monday, June 8, 2009

Raw Recap Dry Run For New Blog 6/8/09

We start with a recap of the Batista/Orton match from Extreme Rules last night.

Lilian intro's the new WWE Champion and out comes Batista. Batista poses with his new title on the ropes and he grabs a mic. Batista says that last night he beat the hell out of Randy Orton and became five-time WWE Champion. Batista says he knows their is a certain 16 time World Champion watching somewhere. He says he won the title for himself, for Flair, and for everyone in the crowd and at home. Batista did it for everyone who is sick and tired of Randy Orton. Batista says while he is enjoying being the new champion, it's just the beginning. He says Orton has hurt a lot of people and he is going to hurt him back. He will take his pride, he will take his dign... Hold that though. Cause there's voice in my head. Wait, no, that's Randy Orton's theme music. Orton, for some reason, very tightly, walks down the ramp... slowly. Ted DiBiase and Cody Rhodes comes from behind and attack as Randy Orton climbs into the ring. It's a mob scene until Batista fights back and dumps out Rhodes and DiBiase. Batista sets Orton for the Batista Bomb but from behind comes Cody Rhodes with a steel chair to the back of Batista. And now we have another mob scene in the corner. Legacy starts to work on Batista's left arm. Orton does his stomp to the left shoulder several times. Orton gets the chair and puts Batista's hand through the chair and proceeds to stomp on it a whole eleven times. Count 'em eleven. Orton goes down to look Batista in the eyes, while Batista says he will get Orton and Orton will never get rid of him. Orton grabs Batista's arm and pulls it up into the chair while it's still stuck in between it. He snaps the arm back and Batista squirms around in pain on the mat. Orton picks the title up from the mat and holds it up. Orton gets out of the ring with Legacy as the trainers come out to check on Batista. Orton takes the title with him up the ramp as we go to break.

We're back and the trainers are helping Randy Orton through the backstage area. They walk Batista to an ambulance and the EMT's load him onto a stretcher and into the ambulance.

We get a replay of what just happened, you know in case we forgot. Or just tuned in.

As Kofi Kingston comes down to the ring for out first match, Lilian falsely announces him as the Intercontinental Champion. No, nope, he is the United States Champion. William Regal comes out with a mic saying the last thing we need right now is a Jamaican as the United States Champion. Regal says we need someone with class and dignity to hold the US Title. Regal says as the US Champion he can be our savior.

Kofi Kingston Vs. William Regal

Regal sent to the ropes and dropkicked down by Kofi. Kofi goes up top and comes off looking for something but receives a punch to the gut. Regal calls him pathetic just like all of the crowd. Kofi tries for a sunset flip but Regal drops down on top of him. Pin. 1-2-NO! Regal takes it to Kofi. Kofi comes back with a kick in the corner and a couple of strikes, Kofi hits Regal with a dropkick. Kofi with the BOOM! BOOM! Legdrop. Pin. 1-NO! Kofi gets a kitchen sink (aka knee to the gut) and goes for the pin. 1-2-NO! Regal takes down his kneepad and goes for a knee, Kofi dodges and misses Trouble in Paradise. Regal hits a forearm, Kofi off the ropes into Trouble in Paradise. Pin. 1-2-3!

Winner: Kofi Kingston

To the back now with Legacy. Cody assures Orton that Batista is gone. Ted says he knows they broke his arm. Josh Matthews is in the back with them and Orton says the only thing we need to know is that Batista is down and out. Orton says that he was going to cash in his rematch clause for tonight so Batista either better come back and fight him or forfeit the title. Orton says to ask Vickie Guerrero and see for yourself that he is serious. Orton says that by the end of the night he will be the WWE Champion.

Tonight, John Cena Vs. The Miz

Kelly Kelly Vs. Maryse -- Divas Championship Match

Cole needs to really stop calling Maryse, Maurice. Out comes Mickie James to sit in with Cole and King on commentary. Maryse takes down Kelly and poses against the ropes. Maryse holds Kelly's leg and flips over and takes Maryse down, but Maryse comes back and throws Kelly throat first into the middle rope. Cole messes up and asks Mickie who she would rather fight for the Women's Championship, Kelly or Maryse, and she has to correct him saying it's the Diva's Championship. Kelly hits Maryse with a cross body and pins her. 1-2-NO! Kelly rolls up Maryse. 1-2-NO! Kelly goes up to the middle rope but gets thrown off by Maryse. Maryse hits her DDT and pins her while Kelly's legs are under the ropes and the referee makes sure to not count until they're under the ropes no longer. Maryse mocks Kelly and then slaps her, they get in a bit of a scuffle until Mickie James comes into the ring and Maryse decides to bail out. Mickie blows a kiss to Maryse.

Winner and still Diva's Champion: Maryse

A graphic comes up for Batista Vs. Randy Orton for the WWE Championship for tonight, but Cole and King wonder if it will be taking place.

WWE announces that next week will be a 3-For-All next week. A three hour show where all three World Titles will be defended.

Cole and King talk about last night's Hog Pen Match. And we go to a video package on that match.

Josh Matthews is backstage with Vickie Guerrero. Josh asks if it is true that Randy Orton will use his rematch clause tonight. Vickie says yes it is true, and she knows that Batista will come back tonight, but if he does not come back tonight, and does not make the count of 10 then Randy Orton will win the title via forfeiture. Josh says it is unfair, but Vickie says she is done talking about it. She says she has a huge announcement tonight that will change the face of Raw forever.

Maryse is in the back and The Miz shows up and says don't worry Mickie James isn't around. Maryse says she doesn't care about Mickie James. The Miz says that her face looked like everytime John Cena hears his name. Fear. Maryse starts to speak French and The Miz says it is really hot when she speaks it. Maryse shush's him and says she knows she is hot. She says The Miz is a good talker, but she has never seen him beat John Cena. And until he does something, they are nothing. The Miz says she should watch the match tonight, because he is The Miz, and apparently, he's awesome.

Santino Marella & Goldust (w/ Hornswoggle) & Festus Vs. The Brian Kendrick & Jamie Noble & Chavo Guerrero

The bell rings and Festus wakes up and goes after everyone, but all he gets is Kendrick, he takes him down and jumps on top of him. Tag to Santino, but Kendrick hits him with a forearm and Goldust gets tagged in now. Noble gets knocked off the apron, and Chavo gets tagged in. Chavo takes it to Goldust in his corner. Kendrick and Noble take some shots at Goldust while Chavo distracts the ref. Chavo takes Goldust down and tags in Noble. Noble hammes Goldust. Noble knocks Festus off the apron and turns into an atomic drop. Santino is tagged in and takes down Noble with punches and then trips him down and pins him. 1-2-NO! Festus comes in and there's chaos in the ring. Kendrick brings Hornswoggle in the ring and he is in there with Noble. Hornswoggle kicks him in the knee and then suicide dives onto Kendrick. Santino rolls up Noble for the pin. 1-2-3!

Winners: Santino Marella & Goldust & Festus

John Cena is walking in the back and his match with The Miz is up next.

The Miz comes out and asks if the crowd can feel it, tonight he goes one on one with John Cena. He says people have been saying he's all talk, that he hasn't beaten John Cena, he says it is Cena's fault for never coming out to accept his challenges. He asks the crowd if they think it's bogus if he is undefeated against Cena, he then says the crowd is bogus and pathetic. He says tonight Cena doesn't have any excuses tonight's. He brings up the SEVEN THOUSAND WATT SEARCH LIGHT again. He says Cena only appeals to pre pubescent boys and little girls. He says Cena might not be Tim Allen, but it is Tool Time.

Cena comes out and gets in the ring and poses, until The Big Show's music hits and out he comes. Show gets up on the apron. Cena kicks down Miz and he slides out of the ring. Show enters and Cena gets him up for the Attitude Adjustment but Show reverses and chokeslams Cena down. Show gets him in his camel clutch backbreaker and Cena fades out. The Miz comes into the ring and hits Show in the back with a steel chair. Show gets up and takes a couple of shots with the chair to the head. The Miz then hits Cena in the back while he is down with the chair, and The Big Show comes to and goes after The Miz but Miz leaves the ring with chair in hand. Show goes to the apron and asks Miz if he wants some of him, but Miz keep walking up the ramp. Cena is completly out in the ring.

We're back with a replay of the opening angle between Legacy and Batista.

MVP is out and he says he doesn't know what is going on with the WWE title right now, but he wants to be in the WWE Championship Matchon next week's show. He says after he beats Matt Hardy tonight, he will be BALLIN'

Montel Vontavious Porter Vs. Matt Hardy

MVP takes it to Matt with knees and a drop toe hold. Pin. 1-NO! Matt reverses a whip into the corner and MVP gets a boot up, and goes to the top, but Matt drags him off. Pin. 1-2-NO! Matt pulls on the neck on the ropes then grabs a front facelock on MVP but MVP gets up and hammers out but Matt punches MVP on the back. MVP shoots Matt into the ropes and belly to belly suplexes him over. MVP takes Matt down with punches and then hit a knee to Matt's face. MVP hits his BALLIN' elbow drop. Pin. 1-2-NO! MVP whips Matt to the corner and goes for the kick but Matt moves and hits a reverse DDT and pins. 1-2-NO! Matt goes up top to hit punches on MVP but MVP snake eyes him on the turnbuckle and Matt hits his arm. MVP hits a divorce court and then the Playmaker and hooks both legs. 1-2-3!

Winner: Montel Vontavious Porter

Vickie Guerrero is walking in the back and walks us directly into a commercial.

Cole and King talk about and show stills from the World Heavyweight Championship Ladder Match from Extreme Rules last night. They show still of CM Punk coming out and cashing in his Money In The Bank briefcase as well.

Vickie Guerrero comes out to no music. Excuse her! Vickie says she knows a lot of the crowd is upset because she granted Randy Orton's rematch for tonight. She says the last thing on her mind is making any of us happy. Vickie starts to cry about last night's match saying she was covered in slop and mud, she says she's never been so humiliated and insulted in her life. She says she was looking for everyone to give compassion and sympathy to her last night, but all she saw was everyone laughing at her. She said everyone had their camera's out and were making fun of her. She asks where our decency was. Where our respect was. Vickie says the match is on tonight between Orton and Batista. She says she is tired of the crowd laughing and making fun of her week after week. Vickie says she has come to a decision and is resigning as General Manager or Raw. She says she quits. The crowd doesn't mind at all. Edge's music hits and out he comes. Limp and all. Edge says that last night he shouldn't have said what he said last night, and that tonight he would like to apologize. Vickie says she is so happy to hear that but Edge says that he doesn't have to apologize because she quit, and he doesn't have to continue with their marriage. Vickie says she doesn't understand, so Edge tells her about the color of the sky and grass and says he married her for power and since she quit she is worthless. Vickie says he doesn't mean these things. Edge says whe they were in public people thought Vickie was Edge's mom. Edge says look at him compared to Vickie, who Edge calls a she-beast. Vickie cries, but Edge says he need the sympathy because everytime he kissed her he needed to run to the bathroom to dry heave. Edge said the only saving grace was they never actually consumated the marriage. Edge says it is fitting she is done with the WWE, because he is done with this marriage. He says he wants a divore, and Vickie flips her screaming power to 11. The crowd decides to sing a song about goodbyes.

We get a replay of the Cena/Show/Miz angle from earlier in the night.

John Cena is in the back with Josh Matthews and Josh asks what his condition is. Cena says he's been worse, but he can't remember when. Cena says he thought he was done with his 500 pound problem, but he guesses they are not done. He then talks about The Miz and says he knows what he is doing. He says Miz is picking a fight with the biggest guy in the bar and he respects that, but somehow he always has someone there to break that up. Cena says that in the very near future we are going to see if The Miz is awesome like he says he is.

Cody Rhodes & Ted DiBiase Vs. Carlito & Primo

We join the match in progress while Cody has a side headlock on Primo, Primo however fights out and hits a kick to the head and tags in Carlito who hits Cody with a knee. Carlito springboard moonsaults over Cody then hits him with a dropkick. Pin. 1-2-NO! DiBiase cheap shots Carlito from outside and Rhodes takes him down. Pin. 1-2-NO! Tag to Dibiase who drops a fist onto Carlito. And another. Maybe one more. DiBiase with a dropkick and a pin. 1-2-NO! DiBiase gets Carlito in a headlock but Carlito fights out and whips DiBiase into the ropes but DiBiase with a kick to Carlito's head and he hits Primo off the apron. Tag to Rhodes, Primo runs in and the ref kicks him out, all while Rhodes and DiBiase stomp on Carlito. Rhodes with a knee drop on Carlito followed by a pin. 1-2-NO! Tag to DiBiase and they whip Carlito into the ropes. Russian leg sweep by DiBiase and he pins Carlito. Primo breaks it up at 2. DiBiase hits elbow drops on Carlito and pins. 1-2-NO! Tag to Rhodes and they double team Carlito. DiBiase tags back in and mounts Carlito for punches. Rhodes with a cheap shot and DiBiase with a tag. Rhodes gets Carlito in a chinlock and then tags in DiBiase and Carlito gets the hot tag to Primo who comes in and hits drop kicks to both DiBiase and Rhodes, but Rhodes rolls Primo up. 1-2-NO! Rhodes hooks Primo on the ropes from the outside and DiBiase hits Dream Street on Primo. Pin. 1-2-3! Cole says DiBiase and Rhodes will now get a shot at the Unified Tag Team Championship in the future.

Winners: Ted DiBiase & Cody Rhodes

Randy Orton is walking in the back to send us to commercial.

Orton walks out with the WWE Championship on his shoulder. Rhodes and DiBiase are still out there and applauding Orton as he comes out. Orton gets the mic and says first things first. He says DiBiase and Rhodes just beat the Colons so they are now number one conternders for the Unified Tag Team Championship. He says he hopes Batista doesn't use what happened tonight as an excuse for Batista not to come out for the match tonight, and then intros a replay of what happened between himself and Batista at the start of the show. Orton reminds the crowd that Vickie Guerrero said he would get his rematch before she resigned tonight. Orton said in the unlikely even that Batista doesn't show up or make the 10 count tonight, Orton would win the WWE Championship by forfeit.

Randy Orton Vs. Batista -- WWE Championship Match

Lilian intro's Orton and then she intro's Batista, but no music comes on. After a couple of seconds the music hits but no one comes through the curtain. Orton tells the referee to start the match and the ref rings the bell. The ref starts his 10 count. They show backstage where the ambulance is in the back and the referee stops his 10 count.

Triple H appears on camera and Rhodes and DiBiase bail outside to grab steel chairs, the camera goes backstage again to show Triple H on the outside of the ambulance with a sledgehammer and he is walking through the back and goes through the gorilla position and Triple H's music hits. Triple H walks out onto the ramp and Rhodes runs up the ramp after him and gets a sledgehammer to the gut. DiBiase is next and he receives a sledgehammer shot to the chest. Triple H makes it all the way down the ramp and throws down the sledgehammer. Triple H takes his shirt off and climbs into the ring. Orton attacks, Triple H fights back and punches Orton in the corner. Triple H punches Orton mid-ring and Orton rolls out. Orton gets sent into the crowd with a punch but Orton fights back and grabs a chair. Hunter kicks Orton in the stomach and Orton drops the chair. Orton's head gets slammed into the announce table two times. Triple H with punches. Triple H decides to grab a monitor but Orton with a kick to the gut. Orton goes running into the crowd but Triple H catches him and hits him against a security railing. Triple H throws Orton back over the guard rail and Orton grabs the steel chair and goes into the ring. Triple H comes in and grabs Orton in a spinebuster. Triple H picks up the chair and slams it across Orton's head. He then beats Orton down with the chair while Orton is on the mat. Triple H attacks the knee with the chair. Triple H with a chair shot to the gut. Triple H hits Orton in the spine with the chair. Triple H goes down to look Orton in the eyes. The crowd chants for the Pedigree, and Triple H lifts Orton's limp body and Pedigree's him down onto the steel chair. Triple H stands over Orton to close the show.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Shad Gaspard


Santino Marella




Hardcore Holly


Current World Tag Team Champion

Cody Rhodes


Current World Tag Team Champion

Ken Kennedy


John "Bradshaw" Layfield




Jeff Hardy


Chris Jericho


Current Intercontinental Champion

Shawn Michaels


Triple H


Randy Orton


Current WWE Champion

John Cena
